A Typical Day at Sheering School
A typical school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 15:15, Monday through to Friday. Total hours provided in a typical week is 32.5 hours.
School Day Begins!
Any child arriving after 8:50 should enter the school via the main entrance and report to the office. Parents or carers accompanying the child should give a reason for the lateness which will be recorded.
Lateness can only be recorded up to 9.15. After this time a child will be marked as ‘absent’.
Any child arriving after registration has been called will be marked as LATE.
Collective Worship
Morning Lessons
9:50 – 10:05 – Maths enrichment
10:05 – 10:50 – Maths
Morning Break/Snack
Mid-morning Lessons
11:05 – 12:10 – English (KS2)
Lunch Time
12:10 – 13:10 – Lunch for KS2 pupils
Afternoon Lessons
13:10 – 15:15 – Guided reading and/or topic work (KS2)