School Office: 01279 734210

Our School Day

A Typical Day at Sheering School

A typical school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 15:15, Monday through to Friday. Total hours provided in a typical week is 32.5 hours.

School Day Begins!

Pupils at Sheering School must be here by 8:45, Gates are open at 8:35 and close at 8:50.

Any child arriving after 8:50 should enter the school via the main entrance and report to the office. Parents or carers accompanying the child should give a reason for the lateness which will be recorded.

Lateness can only be recorded up to 9.15. After this time a child will be marked as ‘absent’.


All pupils will attend registration which takes place in their respective classroom at 8:45.

Any child arriving after registration has been called will be marked as LATE.

Collective Worship

Twenty minutes of the school day is allocated to Collective Worship. This is straight after morning registration.

Morning Lessons

9:30 – 9:50 –  Phonics, Spelling and Grammar

9:50 – 10:05 – Maths enrichment

10:05 – 10:50 – Maths

Morning Break/Snack

Morning Break starts at 10:50 and lasts for 15 minutes. Pupils in Copeland and Durrington classes are provided with a healthy snack every day. Pupils in Fitzwalter and Quickbury classes may bring a healthy fruit or vegetable snack to school if they wish. We have a ‘no nuts’ policy in school.

Mid-morning Lessons

11:05 – 12:00 -English (KS1)

11:05 – 12:10 – English (KS2)

Lunch Time

12:00 – 13:00 – Lunch for Reception and KS1 pupils

12:10 – 13:10 – Lunch for KS2 pupils

Afternoon Lessons

13:00 – 15:15 – Guided reading and/or topic work (KS1)

13:10 – 15:15 – Guided reading and/or topic work (KS2)

Home Time

Gates open at 15:15 and Parents/Guardians should be here to collect their children promptly.

Contact details:

Reception - Mrs Z.Steel

Telephone: 01279 734210

Head Teacher - Mrs L. Brittaine

Telephone: 01279 734210

Sendco - Mrs S. Billett

Telephone: 01279 734210

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