School Office: 01279 734210

School Curriculum


Sheering School Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

At Sheering C of E Primary School, we provide a curriculum which is vibrant, rich and challenging that goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to nurture each child’s passion for learning. It is designed to meet the diverse needs of all our learners while fostering their individual interests and enhancing their overall learning experience.

Alongside our AWESOME (Christian) and British values, our empowering curriculum cultivates resilient, independent, confident and successful learners, who have high aspirations and are equipped to make lasting, positive contributions to their community and the wider society at large.

Our Curriculum: 

  • Ensures that enjoyment, academic success, creativity, problem solving, resilience, physical development, well-being and mental health are integral to supporting the whole child’s development, fostering positive attitudes to learning.
  • Embraces diversity and draws on the skills, knowledge and cultural richness of the community while supporting the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
  • Recognises the importance of securing deeper levels of knowledge and understanding and memory to underpin pupils’ thinking, promoting learning at greater depth.
  • Fulfils all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.


October 2024

Current Curriculum Schedule for Year Groups

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Download

Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Cycle A – Updated curriculum coming soon!

Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Cycle B Download

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Cycle A – Updated curriculum coming soon!

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Cycle B Download

Year 5 & 6 Curriculum Cycle A – Updated curriculum coming soon!

Year 5 & 6 Curriculum Cycle B Download


Phonics and Early Reading PolicyDownload

Progression in ReadingDownload

Progression in Spoken LanguageDownload

Progression in WritingDownload




Maths Curriculum Reception Download

Maths Curriculum Year 1 & 2Download

Maths Curriculum Year 3 & 4Download

Maths Curriculum Year 5 & 6Download



Progression in ScienceDownload



Progression in MusicDownload

Music Development PlanDownload


Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Progression in ComputingDownload

Physical Education (PE)

Progression in PEDownload


Design & Technology

Progression in Design & TechnologyDownload


Art & Design

Progression in Art & DesignDownload



Progression in HistoryDownload


Modern Foreign Languages

Progression in SpanishDownload



Progression in GeographyDownload

Religious Education (RE)

Progression in REDownload


Progression in PHSE & RSEDownload


Contact details:

Reception - Mrs Z.Steel

Telephone: 01279 734210

Head Teacher - Mrs L. Brittaine

Telephone: 01279 734210

Sendco - Mrs S. Billett

Telephone: 01279 734210

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