School Office: 01279 734210


Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)

Welcome to Sheering Church of England Primary School PTFA.

What the PTFA does:
Raises money through fun events and initiatives:
• The Summer Fayre
• The Christmas Fayre
• Children’s Discos
• Afternoon Teas
• Mother’s/Father’s Day gift Shop
• Sponsored Events
• Provides tea, coffee and soft drinks at the School Sports Day

The PTFA have helped to purchase or contribute towards the following equipment/events to benefit all our children across all areas of the school:
• PE equipment
• Playtime equipment – Trim trail, playground markings, climbing and activity equipment for outside area
• Coach transport to swimming lessons and Christmas pantomime
• Provides leaving gifts for Year 6
• IT Equipment
• Disco/PA equipment
• New classroom furniture
• Cash donations to each class to spend on curriculum enrichment

How does the PTFA make decisions about what to spend on?
Once money is raised from events the funds are banked straight away. It is at our PTFA Committee Meetings, that the decisions on how to spend the money are agreed. Usually Mrs Brittaine, our Headteacher, will have ideas of items that the school would like to purchase. In the main the PTFA funds are for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget.

We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all of our children across all areas of the school and curriculum.

We are very fortunate at our school to have a PTFA that is and has been such an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time the PTFA has raised thousands of pounds, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school in general.

How can you help:
If you would like to help by donating any unwanted gifts, raffle prizes, or if you can spare the time to help at events or post leaflets we would love to hear from you, contact us at

Contact details:

Reception - Mrs Z.Steel

Telephone: 01279 734210

Head Teacher - Mrs L. Brittaine

Telephone: 01279 734210

Sendco - Mrs S. Billett

Telephone: 01279 734210

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