While we encourage all children to wear our smart uniform to school there is no requirement to wear branded/school logo uniform. Items of similar clothing from the high street shops are acceptable.
We also hold in school a number of good quality second-hand uniform items should you wish to purchase for a small donation. Please ask in the School Office.
A list of the uniform is listed below.
School logo uniform can be purchased from Top Form in The Stow, Harlow or online at www.top-form.co.uk.
For PE and Games children are encouraged to wear red shorts and T-shirts, which are also available from Top Form.
Special care should be taken over the choice of shoes.
All items of clothing brought to school should be clearly named.
For further information please go to the Top Form website below:
Top Form School Uniform
Red or white shirts or polo shirts (long sleeved or short sleeved)
Red jumper, sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
Black, grey or white socks or tights.
We expect long hair to be tied back at all times in school.
In summer girls may wear red gingham dresses and boys may wear grey uniform shorts. We encourage children to wear a hat outside when the weather is warm and sunny. Plain red hats are available from Top Form.
Pupils are expected to wear sensible dark shoes in the Autumn and Spring terms and sensible dark shoes or sandals in the Summer term. Trainers should only be worn for PE and Games and should not be worn for normal school use.
No jewellery except for watches and suitable small stud earrings should be worn for school.
Red PE T-shirts and red shorts (not Bermuda shorts or cycling shorts please).
Pupils are able to purchase a black hooded top and/or tracksuit bottoms with the Sheering logo from Top Form for cold days outside. Children should also wear plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers are used for outdoor PE activities. Every child should change their footwear for PE.
Watches and jewellery (including earrings) should not be worn during any PE activities. Your child must be able to remove their own earrings. If they are unable to do so, we would advise you to remove them before they come to school on the days their class has PE. This is an Essex County Council Health and Safety Guideline which we must abide by.