School Office: 01279 734210


What does the Board of Governors Do?

The School Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term as a body. Individual Governors regularly visit the school. School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities.

The Governing Body of Sheering School is made up of parents, teachers, local church and community representatives.

As a rule, Governors serve for terms of four years on the Governing Body. Parent Governors are elected every four years by other parents. They bring the views of the parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals.

If you wish to contact a Governor please speak to the Clerk or Headteacher.

Governance Statement Sheering School Download


Code of Conduct for SheeringDownload

Members of the Board of Governors

Steve Townsend – Co-opted Governor (Chair)
Obi Onyesoh – Co-opted Governor (Vice-Chair)
Niki Fletcher – Foundation PCC Governor
Lorna Brittaine – Headteacher
Joshua Hume – Staff Governor
Rev. Sophie Weller – Foundation Governor (Ex-Officio)
Sally Neale – Parent Governor
Claire Gray – Parent Governor
Jane Potter – Foundation Governor

Vacancy – LA Governor
Clerk to the Governing Body – Christine Kitchin

Full Governing Body Meeting Attendance Record HERE

Resource Meeting Attendance Record HERE

P & C Meeting Attendance Record HERE

Contact details:

Reception - Mrs Z.Steel

Telephone: 01279 734210

Head Teacher - Mrs L. Brittaine

Telephone: 01279 734210

Sendco - Mrs S. Billett

Telephone: 01279 734210

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